Additional information

We are pleased to invite you to the 5th Dutch National Prehabilitation Congress and the 1st Euregional Prehabilitation Congress, with the theme “Crossing Borders, Empowering Stars”. The congress will take place at the Crowne Plaza in Maastricht on 11th and 12th September 2025, offering a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experiences on prehabilitation across borders.

This two-day congress focuses on the principles and practice of prehabilitation, offering a comprehensive, hands-on guide to deliver prehabilitation programs that ensure patients are physically and mentally prepared for major surgical or non-surgical treatment according to the latest scientific evidence. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, evidence-based approaches, and implementation experiences to enhance patient outcomes.

Topics covered will include the integration of prehabilitation into different care pathways (e.g., cardiovascular, orthopaedic, oncologic), state-of-the-art preoperative screening and assessment (e.g., physical fitness, nutritional status, mental wellbeing), and best-practice interventions to optimise physical fitness and wellbeing (physical exercise training, nutritional support, and psychological support).


Accreditation for the 5th National Prehabilitation Congress 2025 will be requested from:

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde (NVvH)
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Anesthesiologie (NVA)
Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie (KNGF) 
Inclusief: Keurmerk Fysiotherapie therapeutenregister & KwaliteitsRegister Fysiotherapie
Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde (VSG)
Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten Register  
Accreditatiebureau Kwaliteitsregister V&V en Register Zorgprofessionals
Pro-Q-Kine, Kwaliteitsbevordering voor Kinesitherapeuten


Congress Committee 2025

Marcel den Dulk, MD PhD
Bart Bongers, MSc PhD
Lis Hoeijmakers, MSc
Maastricht University and Maastricht University Medical Center+